A safe place to shop

El Triangle is committed to your health and safety. Help us to keep you safe – follow our advice.

Hand washing
Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after your visit.

Hand sanitiser
Hand gel is available for use at points throughout the Centre.

Maintain safe distancing
Keep a safe distance of at least 1,5 metres from other people in the Centre.

Enhanced cleaning
We have increased cleaning and disinfection throughout the Centre.

Keep coughs covered
Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow if you sneeze or cough.

Follow our instructions
Follow any safety instructions given by security staff.

Keep to marked routes when moving around
Move around the Centre using the areas and routes that have been marked out.

Limited use of lifts
Lifts may be used by just one person at a time only.
Please use the stairs if you can and keep the lifts free to be used by people with limited mobility.